
Child Therapist for Behavior Issues in Sacramento 

You may be asking, “what’s a Behavior Plan, and why does my child need one?”

A Behavior Plan is a plan aimed at shaping operant behavior, i.e., “behavior that produces an effect on the environment and whose likelihood of recurrence is influenced by consequences.”  American Psychological Association, Dictionary of Psychology (2021).

Use of a Behavior Plan is a “method of successive approximations,” i.e., a way of “shaping operant behavior by reinforcing responses similar to the desired behavior.  Initially, responses roughly approximating the desired behavior are reinforced.  Later, only responses closely approximating the desired behavior are reinforced.  The process gradually leads to the desired behavior.  Also called successive-approximations method.”  American Psychological Association, Dictionary of Psychology (2021).  

So those are the technical definitions of a Behavior Plan, but what do they mean to you?  This simply means that we show parents how to help their kids behave better—and better-behaved kids create better functioning families.  

At Brick Road Counseling, we employ data driven, evidence-based in-home treatment plans aimed at positively shaping child behavior for various issues, including: 

  • Tantrums
  • Aggression
  • Self-Injuring Behaviors
  • And More...  

Usually as part of an overarching Family Counseling treatment schedule, we develop tailored, goal-directed lessons and activities specifically aimed at your child’s behavior patterns.  Everything we do is measurable to ensure that progress is continually being made, as quickly as possible.  

Let's Talk

The first step in therapy is talking. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about what's on your mind.

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