Sacramento County Therapist for In-Home Therapy and School Collaboration
To provide well rounded support for your family as a whole, Brick Road Counseling offers School Collaboration services, that is, we work with teachers, as well as others in your family circle, to advocate for proper school-based interventions for your child via at-school observation, teacher communication, shared behavior plans.
“School-Based Intervention … [is] any strategy implemented in a classroom setting to improve the health and well-being of students, often by reducing or preventing pathology and problem behaviors (e.g., depression, social anxiety, cigarette smoking, drug or alcohol use, bullying and aggression). Requiring interdisciplinary coordination among school psychologists, counselors, social workers, teachers, and administrative staff, programs may be targeted at subgroups of high-risk individuals or implemented across the general school population of children and adolescents. Interventions may incorporate such activities as specially designed lectures, guided online lessons, group discussions, role play, and special homework assignments to be completed with parents.” American Psychological Association, Dictionary of Psychology (2021).
As part of the initial assessment and data collection in support of Behavior Plan development, we are available to conduct in-school assessments of child behavior and supplement school-issued IEPs to ensure consistency across each of the child’s primary environments.
An “Individualized Education Program (IEP) … [is] a plan describing the special education and related services specifically designed to meet the unique educational needs of a student with a disability. Each IEP must be documented in writing, tailored to a particular child, and implemented in accordance with the requirements of U.S. federal law. The IEP must be created by a team of individuals that includes, but is not restricted to, parents, teachers, a representative of the school system, and an individual who will evaluate the child’s needs and monitor progress.” American Psychological Association, Dictionary of Psychology (2021).
Apart from the home, schools are typically where kids spend most of their time and encounter a majority of stress. Because of this, School Collaboration is an essential part of an overarching Family Counseling treatment schedule.
The first step in therapy is talking. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about what's on your mind.
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